How to apply?
Apply for International Driving Document
Please choose one of the following options:
Apply online

This is the fastest and easiest way to apply. You only need a scanner and/or digital camera to send us the required documents and fill out a short application form.
Before you begin, you will need to have the following:

  • Image file with your picture. Please,
    see photograph requirements first;
  • Image file of your National Driver’s License;
  • Image file with your signature;
  • A valid credit card (Visa, Master Card, American Express or Discover).

You can choose renewal period and shipping method before placing the order at the end of the online form.

We accept all major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express through Google Checkout or PayPal, the most secure and trusted payment processing sources on the web. (You are not required to have or set-up Google or PayPal account).

Apply by regular mail

To apply via regular mail download the application form and send it along with all required pictures.

You have to fill out the information required by typing in the information while the form is displayed on the computer monitor. You will be able to save it to a disk or hard drive for future editing and use. The available form use the features provided with Adobe Acrobat Reader software. You are responsible for entering all required information (some information, such as signatures, are required to be handwritten on the form).

Apply in person

This is the fastest way for those customers close to our Philadelphia office in Pennsylvania, US. You only need to bring a valid domestic driver license, which cannot be expired, revoked or restricted. You will fill out the application form and we will take a photo of you.

The payment can be easily made with any major debit/credit card, cash or money order. We will process your application in 10 minutes if you are coming before 5pm.
Please see our location and office hours here

  • 1 year IDD $ 60
  • 2 year IDD $ 80
  • 3 year IDD $ 100
Shipping and handling:
  • USPS first class $ 3.00
  • USPS priority mail $ 15.00
  • USPS express mail $ 25.00